LETTER TO THE SUICIDAL BY Emmanuel Eromonsele Ujiadughele. - GOODY'S TURF


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Wednesday 17 May 2017

LETTER TO THE SUICIDAL BY Emmanuel Eromonsele Ujiadughele.



Suicide isn’t the solution. Suicide is the problem. You may think it attractive-a source of relief, succour, and solace from your troubles. It is not an escape route, suicide. It is merely a trap; a trap you will never escape from.

You see, living is priceless. But death, dying  is… is expensive. Life hasn’t turned out just the way you want it. Wait. Eventually, life bends its will to suit ours. All you have to do is fight, fight till you win. Push, push till the doors open. You must win. You have to.

No one will call you a coward or a failure if you do not succeed. The only cowards and failures are the ones who never try. In life, you win some and you lose some. Eventually, you will emerge a battle-hardened conqueror. If you think life isn’t worth living, then you must remember that you do not know what death holds for you. Better an unpredictable life than an unpredictable afterlife.

Do not allow the unpleasantness of the seen make you destroy the beauty of the unseen. If you think life is overwhelming, take a break. If it’s your job, let it go. A better one will come. If it’s your relationship, work it out. Whatever it is, take a break, not your life.

Wake up in the morning. Sit in your veranda. Watch that butterfly flutter by. Watch the children play around. Listen to the women bicker, quarrel and fight over trivial issues. Laugh hard at the man losing badly at the game of draught. Watch the cars flash by- you will get one soon. But will you drive it dead? Just spend some time with nature. Savour her delicious fragrance. Then you will see that there is more beauty in life than there is attraction in death. You see, my friend, we, we need you to live.

What’s more, I know a Man who can solve your problems and I can help you meet Him. But before then, hold on. Remember it is darkest just before the break of dawn. So my friend, don’t just exist. Live.

Your unknown brother,
Emmanuel Eromonsele Ujiadughele.

P.S: Please, share if you can. If your voice is good enough to make an audio file, kindly do so.

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