Things Your Husband/Boyfriend Wishes You Would Do More Often - - GOODY'S TURF


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Wednesday 14 June 2017

Things Your Husband/Boyfriend Wishes You Would Do More Often -

We spend much of our day running at full speed. It’s not surprising, therefore, that we might roll our eyes at the idea of adding more things to our to-do list, especially if it involves trying harder to please our mate. Are they doing enough for me, you might ask? While it’s important to have your own needs met, it’s also vital to see your marriage as a partnership.

First things first, this is no “how to please your man” kind of list. It’s a discussion about how to be your best self while considering your partner’s needs. After all, teamwork makes the dream work, right?

As I’ve explained to counseling clients in the past, you don’t have to wait for your husband to start doing the right things — be the one who sparks the change! So, in that spirit, here are some things that your husband wishes you’d do more often.

Let loose and have fun

Life can be so hectic nowadays it’s easy to lose sight of what’s important. We are often juggling multiple obligations at once and, in order to keep up, we can become fixated on maintaining certain schedules and routines — but what if, once in a while, we got spontaneous and cancelled plans in order to do something outlandish or fun?

Your husband would probably love it if you just let loose and decided to go with the flow for a change. It might be tough, at first, to buck with tradition but, ultimately, you will probably end up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Pro tip: Ditch the office during lunch time and meet up with your hubby instead. You will both enjoy that extra time together in the middle of the day

Go natural

When it comes to your own appearance, do what makes you feel happy and comfortable. If that means applying makeup every morning, then so be it! We all deserve to feel good in our own skin.

That being said, why not skip the beauty regimen once in a while? Despite what the magazines try to sell us, studies are showing that men actually prefer when women wear less makeup. Who would have thought?

Pro tip: On your next date night, try a more natural look, and see if he comments on the change. As long as you feel beautiful, and you’re up to it, why not experiment a little!

Let it go

If you’ve had to repeat something multiple times or just happen to be having a bad day, it’s really tempting to just harp on some problem or mistake your husband has made. You might even be venting about a friend, family member, or coworker who has upset you in some way.

It’s definitely important that you continue to communicate with your husband — and you deserve to see him as a confidante — but once you have made your point, he might appreciate if you reel it in a little. Your blood might still be boiling but you will know when the opportunity arises, that this time, it’s best to drop it.

Pro tip: If you’ve been blowing off steam and realize you’ve begun repeating yourself, take a deep breath and accept that there might be nothing left to say. Then, pull a Frozen, and let it go

Make the first move

We all have our preferences about whether we are the pursuer or the pursued, and really, many women seem to prefer being chased. As long as your partner is fine with this dynamic, it’s no one’s business but your own. Deep down, though, he might really wish that — once in a while — you were the hunter. Of course, there are plenty of relationships where the wife takes on this role regularly but, if you traditionally haven’t, it could be a nice surprise.

Pro tip: Come up with a fun way of initiating some alone time. He’ll be pleasantly surprised you’re taking the reins

Embrace your se*uality

Every day, women are bombarded with messages about how we should, and should not, express our se*uality. As a result, so many of us become shy or uncomfortable with our bodies and it can have an impact on our intimate relationships.

Research has shown that women experience climax during intercourse far less frequently than men which, of course, is entirely unfair. Chances are that your husband wants you to enjoy s*x as much as he does and would be willing to work on it, but he might need some gentle guidance.

Pro tip: Pick up some books, watch some videos, and grab a mirror so that you can explore your own body. Once you feel comfortable, invite your husband to play along.

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