Something Big Happened On "Game Of Thrones" And People Are Emotional - GOODY'S TURF


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Saturday 5 August 2017

Something Big Happened On "Game Of Thrones" And People Are Emotional

This show loves to mess with us. Warning: spoilers!

This post contains spoilers for Season 7, Episode 3 of Game of Thrones.

OH MY GOD WHAT AN EPISODE. Ever since the beginning of Season 1 of Game of Thrones, fans have been waiting for Stark reunions, and after Sansa and Jon's last season, tonight we got ANOTHER ONE!


Bran hasn't been home since the end of Season 2, when he escaped the sacked castle with Rickon, Hodor, Osha, Summer, and Shaggydog (all of whom are now dead, SOB).

Except, of course, in his visions of Winterfell from Season 6, when he told the Three Eyed Raven, "I wasn't drowning, I was home" with so much wistfulness in his voice it was heartbreaking.

Meanwhile, it's been even longer since Sansa saw her little brother – not since Episode 1.

The last time she saw him, he was unconscious after his "fall" from the tower.

Needless to say, after the emotional punch that was Jon and Sansa's reunionand return to Winterfell, the expectations for Bran's homecoming were high.

And it was certainly emotional.

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BUT. There was a stark (lol) difference between the two reunions.

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Namely Bran showed NO EMOTION AT ALL.

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It was quite a contrast not only from Sansa's reunion with Jon, but also from Bran's happiness to be at Winterfell in the Season 6 flashback.

It was... disconcerting.

Really kind of a letdown after the joy we were anticipating.

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The thing is, Bran is such a different character now – with good reason.

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In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Isaac Hempstead-Wright, who plays Bran, says his character's brain is a bit of a mess because ofall the information that got downloaded to it in Season 6, way before he was ready to receive it.

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So while Sansa got her brother back – she also didn't really.

"She’s lost her brother once before when he fell out of that tower, and now Bran’s back but she loses him all over again," says Hempstead-Wright. "All the Starks have changed so much. Arya is like this ninja assassin. Sansa has been held captive by these tyrannical men and had to become politically cunning herself. But Bran is now this tree-raven-magic thing.”

Of course, it didn't help matters that out of everything he could talk to Sansa about to explain his powers, he brought up one of the most painful memories of her life.

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Honestly, what the fuck Bran?!

Stop Bran from ruining everything 2k17.

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At least we have the big R+L=J reveal to look forward to, right?!

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Except... Jon isn't at Winterfell now.

Here's hoping Bran gets to talk to him SOON.

In the meantime – let's focus on the positives?

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But also, yeah, goddamn Game of Thrones for breaking our hearts even when ~happy~ events occur.

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I just want the Starks to be safe and happy, OK.

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