The mystery of what the Night King wants has gotten more interesting - GOODY'S TURF


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Sunday 12 November 2017

The mystery of what the Night King wants has gotten more interesting

The biggest question in Game of Thrones.

Season 7 of Game of Thrones may have ended a few weeks ago, but as preparations for the final season begin, we're going to go down that glorious rabbit hole yet again.

As always, spoilers are coming.

In a recent interview with the Metro, Ellie Kendrick (Meera Reed) confirmed that as of yet, she's not appearing in the final season of the show.

When asked if she would be appearing in the final six episodes, she said: ‘Not as far as I know. I don’t know. It’s funny because I always get asked, “What’s going to happen? Are you in it?” Genuinely the truth is I don’t know. I wait for the phone to ring and then I find out, but it hasn’t rung so I don’t know. I’ll find out whether I am or not at some point, but for now I haven’t been notified so I’m yet to discover."

As Thrones fans will know, we last saw Meera after her frayed and tense goodbye with Bran - well, he's not really Bran anymore because as Meera said, he "died in that cave" as the Three-Eyed Raven took control of his personality and raison d'être.

This apparent absence of Meera Reed is interesting because it ties in with a popular theory about the White Walkers, the pact between the First Men and the Night King's army of the dead and more importantly, the Gods Eye that's located on the Isle of Faces.

Ok, ready for a Game of Thrones deep dive? How we've missed it!

Great. Throughout the books, we've heard the Isle of Faces and the Gods Eye being mentioned but that's not the case in the show. In fact, not many characters in the novels have visited this island in the Riverlands. On this island, the First Men and the Children of the Forest signed their peace treaty, known as The Pact, surrounded by weirwood trees - they carved faces into these trees, hence the name.

This agreement happened over 10,000 years ago and it ended a war between the two races. This agreement even predates the first Long Night, when the White Walkers originally marched on Westeros. During their thousands of years of peace and friendship, the First Men and Children defeated the White Walkers together during the first Long Night.

The Isle of Faces is guarded by the Green Men - who may even be descendants of the Children of the Forest - and very few people have visited it. The island is notoriously difficult to find, hidden in the mists at the center of the lake and some believe that the mists are magically sent to confuse.

The Isle might also be the last home of Children of the Forest. Remember, they're the race who created the White Walkers.

Does the Night King know something about the magical secrets that dwell on the Isle of Faces? As detailed before, it's possible that he's also greenseer.

Clip via - AbOod Zx

One man that has visited this island and lived there though is Howland Reed, Meera's father. Game of Thrones fans already saw him during the Tower of Joy flashbacks.

It's worth noting that Howland Reed is also the only person that can support Bran when he tells the world that Jon Snow is the legitimate king of Westeros and the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.

In recent months, a theory has gathered momentum that states the Night King plans on marching to the God's Eye.

A post on Reddit got some traction which said: "Ultimately, I think his (Night King) end goal is to reach the Isles of Faces and use its magical properties to give life to his undead army. Eastwatch by the Sea is the closest part of the wall to the Gods Eye (it's not). Harrenhall is on the northern shore of the Gods Eye. The writers have dropped hints about the Gods Eye for years and have always discussed the Riverlands in great detail."

Well, with Meera gone back to Greywater Watch combined with Kendrick's comments that she might not be in Season 8, it appears that the secrets of the Isle of Faces are going to remain hidden.

Then again, perhaps the producers are going to reintroduce Howland Reed into the fray but with only six episodes to go, this might seem a bit rushed.

If this theory about the Gods Eye and the Night King was correct, surely Meera Reed would have been told something about it and if so, it's fair to assume that she would have featured in Season 8.

After all, Howland did tell his daughter about the Tourney at Harrenhall and the mystery of the Laughing Knight - more about that here.

If you fancy going further down the rabbit hole, this video detailing Howland Reed's history is fascinating.

Check out Millwall FC on Freestyle Kombat from this week's Total Tekkers


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