The end is near (2) - GOODY'S TURF


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Saturday 13 May 2017

The end is near (2)

The saints, the redeemed, those genuinely born again have hope of rapture with the Lord whether they sleep in the Lord or alive. Brethren, the next in God’s agenda is the rapture which the redeemed are all waiting for. After the rapture has taken place, and if you are not raptured, it shows clearly that you may not have been living right, or you backslidded, and if you find yourself in such situation, you will have a lot of problems in this world during the reign of the anti-Christ who shall force many to receive the mark of 666.

If you receive the mark, then, you are doomed forever and without the slightest chance to enter into heaven. It is after the catastrophe i.e the great tribulation that the eventual end of the world shall come and this shall in turn mark the ushering in of the millennium reign with Christ.

This is very near, yet multitudes are not yet saved. There is no doubt that the end is at hand, for in the days of the apostles, they spoke of the end being near and Jesus Christ Himself made them to know the signs that will mark his coming and the end of the world, and those signs abound everywhere today as recorded in Matt. 24:3- 8.

The evidences are frequent plane crashes, wars, famines, pestilences like the Katrina hurricane, HIV/AIDS  evils, etc as they occur, mark the beginning of the end which is near.

Every believer (those truly saved) are waiting for the rapture and not the end of the world that will herald the coming of the anti Christ. The end is very near, it could be the end of the world, it could also be the end of your life in this world, the end of the world is drawing closer every day. Everything that has a beginning has an end.

The world began in a day, certainly the end then is near as we are informed in the Bible.

The scriptures are written for our examples, for our admonition that the end of the world is at hand.

The possibility of the coming of the Lord is very real in our age, the world and everything inside it shall come to an end; and immediately thereafter, the reign of the antichrist, the great tribulation will commence and then the eventual end of the world. However, before the world will end finally there will be one thousand year reign with Christ.

All those that are saved shall enter into heaven while those, damned shall be cast into hell fire!

Multitudes of people are very far from salvation and are in between two opinions of whether to accept Christ or not? As you read, you may be one of such persons; you have heard the word and you are not convinced, convicted, nor ready to believe the word. It is better you accept Christ now.

You cannot afford to remain indifferent, or stay between two opinions for the end is near. Joel 3:14 says, “14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision”.

Why do many still remain in that valley where they are yet to make the decision for Christ when His coming is at hand? They are torn in between the decision for Christ or satan. Some are even like Saul before he became Paul because at that time he knew not the truth and persecuted the Lord.

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